The rules of the anti-inflammatory diet
- Give rotation and variety to your food: it is very important not to become obsessed with a certain meal, even if it is very healthy, in order to not saturate the body with it and have a negative effect on our health.
- Taking probiotics generate positive effects for the intestinal ecological balance. We find them in certain foods like yogurt, fermented foods, and soy products.
Magnesium supplements can reduce CRP and other markers of inflammation in older adults, overweight people and those with prediabetes. In the same way, high-magnesium foods — such as fatty fish and dark chocolate — can reduce inflammation. More than 70 percent of our immune system is in the intestine, and this mineral is undoubtedly very important when it comes to intestinal health.
- Drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon on an empty stomach: this classic, called thermogenesis, activates and improves metabolism, in addition to stimulating and purifying the liver.
- Include Omega 3 in your diet: Adding Omega-rich foods such as chia or flaxseed, salmon, olive oil, avocado and nuts. If you enjoy seafood, the best option is to eat small fish such as anchovies, sardines, etc.
- Take infusions daily: they are full of antioxidants and have great anti-inflammatory power. The most recommended? Green tea, ginger tea, rooibos, or matcha tea.
- Avoid these foods: refined sugar, refined flour and refined salt –the three white poisons–, refined carbohydrates, excess dairy, gluten, processed foods, soft drinks, red meat and sausages.
- Do not skip any hour of lunch and have an early dinner: it is important to fast overnight. Let your stomach rest for 10 to 12 hours at night. This causes the cells to regenerate.
- Try to make the base of your diet as natural as possible: Whole, fresh foods with many colors are recommended.
- Avoid antibiotics: do it as much as possible and remember that they are the ones that do the most damage to your intestinal flora.
- Do a complete workout: It is important to do strength and endurance exercises, not just cardio! "
List of anti-inflammatory foods
- Omega 3: it can be found in cold water fish - wild salmon, tuna, sardines, trout, anchovies, sardines and anchovies - and also in flaxseed, hemp and chia.
- Pineapple: its bromelain content reduces inflammation.
- Fruits and vegetables with low sugar content: eat all colors and they will provide you with all the necessary antioxidants. The recommended amount? From 4 to 7 servings daily.
- Garlic, ginger, cinnamon and turmeric: in case you didn't know, turmeric delays skin aging, prevents Alzheimer's and is the daily secret of many artists.
- Flaxseed, chia, sunflower seeds and almonds: try to always take them
Can turmeric boost your immune system?
The benefits of magnesium in helping patients with osteoarthritis